Recent Updates
Special March Community Meeting!
CCLA learned this morning that the Sierra Club will be our guest speaker at our meeting this coming Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 3 p.m. at the Cumberland Community Center, 71 Community Center Drive, Cumberland, VA. Purpose of the meeting is to prepare for the upcoming Public Hearings concerning the proposed landfill. Tim, from the Sierra Club, has a lot of information to share with us. Please plan to attend. See the flyer under the Events tab for more information. Hope to see you at the meeting!
Joint Workshop by Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors - Monday, March 3, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at the Middle School Cafetorium. Subject of discussion is the new condition use permit (CUP) submitted by Green Ridge and affiliates. Citizens are not permitted to speak at workshops. Please plan to attend, if possible!
Updated Court Date and New Meeting Added!
Court Date – March 6th is cancelled. The new date is to be determined and will be shared here once the date is set. It is our goal to have the courtroom packed, so once we have the date please plan to attend.
Added Community Townhall Meeting: March 9th at 3 p.m. at the Cumberland Community Center (Luther P Jackson School). The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Planning Commission Public Hearing scheduled for March 17, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Cumberland High School cafetorium.
Citizens are invited to speak at the March 17th meeting.
Thank you for your support!
Meeting Reminders!
CCLA continues to hold our Community Townhall meetings every other month. Depending on activities concerning the proposed landfill, meetings at other dates and times may be scheduled. This will be done on a case-by-case basis.
Community Townhall meetings are held at the Cumberland Community Center (Luther P Jackson School), 71 Community Center Drive, Cumberland, VA 23040. Starting time is 3 p.m. We try to have guest speakers on a regular basis.
Below are the scheduled meeting dates for 2025:
February 9, 2025 – second Sunday
April 13, 2025 – second Sunday
June 8, 2025– second Sunday
August 10, 2025– second Sunday
October 12, 2025– second Sunday
December 7, 2025 – First Sunday
This is your opportunity to learn about the latest updates concerning the proposed landfill, ask questions, etc. Hope to see you at our meetings!
Attend the Conditional Use Permit Application Workshops!
Friendly reminder – January 27, 2025, was the first of at least 2 workshops concerning the new conditional use permit application submitted by Green Ridge and affiliates. The next session is February 10th and it will start at 6:30 p.m. at Cumberland High School/Middle School Cafetorium.
We NEED You!!
For full schedule of meetings, please see News Release linked below. Please plan to attend as many of these meetings as possible. Thank you for your support.
Click for News Release
Major January Updates!
February 9th is the date for our first scheduled meeting for 2025. It is an important meeting as there is a lot going on right now to discuss and focus on what actions we will take. Please plan to attend, your voice matters and we would like to hear from you.
Below are our meetings dates for 2025:
February 9, 2025 – second Sunday
April 13, 2025 – second Sunday
June 8, 2025– second Sunday
August 10, 2025– second Sunday
October 12, 2025– second Sunday
December 7, 2025 – First Sunday
Our group is continuing with holding our meetings to every other month. Depending on activities concerning the proposed landfill, meetings at other dates and times may be scheduled. This will be done on a case-by-case basis with the filing of the necessary application.
Green Ridge submitted a new conditional use permit application to Cumberland County back in September 2024. The application was made public by the County in mid-December 2024. This means the application now must be reviewed by both the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Commission has set a series of meetings as follows:
The tentative schedule for the Planning Commission concerning Green Ridge’s new CUP is:
January 27th – 1st workshop – presentation by applicant
February 10th – 2nd workshop
February 24th – request to set Public Hearing
March 3rd – joint workshop with Board of Supervisors
March 17th – Public Hearing
The January 27th meeting will be held at the Cumberland Middle/High School Cafetorium, 16 School Road, Cumberland, VA 23040. This is a WORKSHOP and citizens will not be permitted to speak. At this time, the schedule is for Green Ridge to do a presentation. This is a great opportunity to hear first hand what Green Ridge is proposing and what, if any, questions the Planning Commission ask.
Please plan to attend, if possible.
February 6, 2025, at 10 a.m. is the date and time of the Court hearing for the suit filed against Cumberland County Board of Supervisors. The case will be heard by Judge Melvin R. Hughes in the Cumberland County Courthouse.
The filing was completed in late September 2024. The reason for the filing was that after 6+ years of asking the Board of Supervisors to get involved with the proposed landfill we would be told it was in the State and they could not do anything. When we questioned the DEQ on why they were accepting documents from Green Ridge that were not in compliance with the Host Agreement or conditional use permit, we were told they did not want to interfere with local government. Hence, we had no choice but to this step.
CCLA is working closely with our attorney. Please plan to come to court on February 6th and show your support. A copy of the filing is available on this website under the tab labeled “About CCLA – What We Have Done” for your review.
is vital as we approach new challenges in 2025. One important thing to remember we are being successful – after almost 7 full years, the proposed landfill has not found
a home in Cumberland County.
Richmond was a buzz on January 8, 2025, as members of Virginia’s House of Delegates and Senators arrived in town for the beginning of the 2025 General Assembly Session. It promises to be another interesting year. If you have any questions about what district you are in or want to know who your delegate or senator is, the best source to obtain this information is https://lis.virginia.gov/. This is the Legislative Information System. Here you can also find information concerning the bills your elected officials are sponsoring and their current status as they are presented for review.
As usual, CCLA will monitor the bills before the general assembly and let you know of bills concerning the protection of our environment and provide you with contact information. Contacts can be in the form of in-person meetings, speaking before the committee hearing the bill, emails, or phone calls.
Special Election 1-07-2025
Weatherman says there may be bad weather on or about January 7, 2025, which is Special Election Day for 10th District State Senate position. Since this district covers a large area and several rural areas, Cumberland, Powhatan, Amelia, Buckingham, etc., voters may want to consider early voting. Early voting is open now through January 4th. Check your local Registrar’s offices for exact times. If the weatherman is correct, there probably will be snow on the roads on election day, please be safe and stay warm.
Results of Planning Commission Meeting
First of all….
A Big THANK YOU to all of you. We had a fantastic showing at the Planning Commission meeting on 12/30.
This is just the first of many meetings coming up soon concerning the NEW Green Ridge conditional use permit. We have a lot of work ahead of us.
The tentative schedule for the Planning Commission concerning Green Ridge’s new CUP is:
January 27th – 1st workshop – presentation by applicant
February 10th – 2nd workshop
February 24th – request to set Public Hearing
March 3rd – joint workshop with Board of Supervisors
March 17th – Public Hearing
Planning Commission Meeting on December 30th
Green Ridge and affiliates submitted an application for a NEW conditional use permit (CUP) to the County. The agenda for the meeting includes CUP 24-01 Green Ridge Recycling and Disposal Facility as an item under Requests to set Public Hearings in the agenda. More information on the CUP and the agenda for the meeting can be obtained at https://cumberlandcounty.virginia.gov/.
CCLA’s goal is for as many of us as possible try to attend the meeting on Monday, December 30th, at 6:30 p.m. at the courthouse. We need to let the Commission members know we continue to oppose the proposed landfill.
Help spread the word about the meeting.
Any questions, please send a comment, send an email, or call 804-308-5748
News Flash - New Conditional Use Permit
CCLA received word late yesterday afternoon, Cumberland County has made public Green Ridge’s application for a new Conditional Use Permit. Please see the attached notice sent out by the County. Below the letter is a link to where you can view the documents, if you like.
We will keep you updated as we review the documents and/or find out more.
Thank you for your continued support!
Happy Holidays from CCLA!
We wish everyone a joyful, healthy, and safe holiday season.
Just a few brief notes during this busy time:
CCLA Meeting – December 1, 2024, at 3 p.m. at the Cumberland Community Center. There will be a brief meeting followed by refreshments and socialization. Please note this is the first Sunday and not the second Sunday.
Cumberland County Board of Supervisors Meeting – Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Everyone is encouraged to attend, if possible. Let your voice be heard and let our supervisors know you care about what happens in the County. Please visit the County website for hours the offices will be open during this time, since they will not be operating under normal office hours.
Landfill Update - Green Ridge and affiliates submitted paperwork for a new Conditional Use Permit a few months back. It is our understanding the County staff is almost complete with their review and therefore, information in the request should be available to the public soon. Now is the time for us to unite and be proactive and not reactive to what may be presented to us. If you are interested in helping out, please contact us by sending an email or by calling 804-308-5748.
These words cannot be spoken often enough. It has been a long 6+ years since we first found out about the proposed landfill and our group was organized. Things could be looking a lot different if were not for your concern and support over this period of time. Thank you so much. We cannot give up, the landfill ISN’T A DONE DEAL. There will be new challenges for us to face in the coming year, but we are united and will face them as they come along.
Fall Fundraiser Results
A big Thank You for making the CCLA’s Fall Fundraiser a success – those who attended the event, those who gave donations and were unable to attend, and to the CCLA crew who worked so hard to prepare for the event. Everyone had a great time and there was plenty of food for all.
We do have some BBQ left and are offering it for sale for $5 for approximately 16 ounces – what a great buy for some tasty BBQ!
Just send an email to info@cclava.com or call 804-308-5748 and leave a message.
We certainly appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you soon at another event or meeting.
We must protect our environment!!!
Check out some photos from the event!
Happy Halloween! Quick Updates Inside
Two items to quickly pass along today.
1. A copy of CCLA’s filing of the complaint against Cumberland County Virginia is available under the About CCLA – What We’ve Done.
2. Only 2 days until our Fall Fundraiser at 235 Skaggs Road, Powhatan, VA. The event includes a meal, music by DJ, and much more. Advance tickets can be purchased by clicking here https://erg.t-g.cc/p/e7wt. Don’t have a ticket yet, don’t fear, you can purchase your ticket at the door. Hope to see you there.
Countdown to Fall Fundraiser!
You have 8 DAYS to purchase your tickets for an evening of food, music, and fellowship by clicking on this link!
Copy and paste this address if you have trouble with the button - https://erg.t-g.cc/p/e7wt
Come to our Fall Fundraiser! Details inside…
MORE DETAILS– advance purchase of tickets recommended and are available in person, social media at https://erg.t-g.cc/p/e7wt or on our website cclava.com.
$25 ticket includes meal with your choice of entrée (¼ rotisserie chicken/pork bbq/ or chicken bog [a Southern dish] coleslaw, baked beans, dessert, roll & drink.
Add’l entrees $5 ea.
Plus music, dancing, fellowship and other activities.
$30 ticket includes the meal and 8 raffle tickets. Otherwise raffle tickets $2 ea or 3 for $5.
Meals served from 5 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Cash bar for beer, wine, & sodas.
Dessert auction – homemade cakes, pies, etc will be auctioned off.
NEWS FLASH - CCLA Files Lawsuit Against Cumberland County
CCLA has filed a lawsuit against Cumberland County concerning the proposed landfill. More information will be provided at the meeting on Sunday, October 13, 2024. The meeting will take place at the Cumberland County Community Center at 3 pm. Private wells will also be discussed as scheduled.
Thank each of you for your continued support.
October 2024 CCLA Updates and Events
There is a lot of different things happening at this time related to our endeavor to STOP the proposed Green Ridge landfill in Cumberland County.
First, I will address News Flash of August 15th where we addressed the development of a letter being sent to Green Ridge by the Board of Supervisors. A letter was sent and the County did receive a response back. There was a News Release posted on the County website late Friday, September 27, 2024. Below is a copy of that letter for you to read and decide for yourself its meaning.
It is noted this was done after the Townhall meeting held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. At this meeting, several attendees made comments and/or asked questions about the proposed landfill. It was at this meeting, we also learned apparently the County has received some correspondence from Green Ridge concerning the Conditional Use Permit (CUP). However, details were not shared with those present. It must be noted there are numerous differences between what is in the current Board approved CUP and what has been submitted to the DEQ. The current CUP is due to expire in less than 9 months from now. This is why it continues to be important to attend Board meetings, Planning Commission meetings, and Townhall meetings and let your voice to be heard.
October 8, 2024 – Cumberland County Board of Supervisors meeting at 7 p.m. at the County Courthouse. We need to attend these meetings and let the supervisors know our concerns with the proposed landfill. If you would like help with what to say, listen to the podcast on this website or email info@cclava.com. Please let your voice be heard!
October 13, 2024 – CCLA Town Hall Meeting with guest speakers from the Virginia Department of Health speaking on private wells. Now is your chance to ask the experts your private well questions. Promises to be a very informative meeting. (insert flyer for October meeting)
October 25, 2024 – CCLA is participating at the Trunk or Treat in Cumberland County from 6-8 p.m. Bring your children or grandchildren to the event where there are a lot of different participants and plenty of free candy and other giveaways.
November 2, 2024 – Starting at 9:30 a.m. it is AMMD Pine Grove Project’s “Schoolyard Jamboree” at Pine Grove School, 267 Pinegrove Road, Cumberland.
November 2, 2024 - CCLA Fall Fundraiser – starting at 5 p.m. at the War Memorial Cultural Arts and Community Center, 235 Skaggs Road, Powhatan. Details are still being worked out and will be posted on the website as things are finalized.
Thank you!
Thank you for your continued support. Your efforts are working no matter if is word of mouth, posts in social media, attending meetings, or other media. Continue to let your voice be heard - IT IS WORKING!!
Podcast Episode is Live!
Watch some of the CCLA leadership address some of the burning topics around this landfill proposal in this long form discussion.
Make sure to share with everyone on social media and in your networks! The fight isn’t over!
News Flash - Important Update!
“Thank you” to everyone who showed up and spoke at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, August 13th. It is so important to let your voice be heard at these meetings. We need to keep up the momentum in the coming months.
After the Public Comments section of the meeting, the Board members had an opportunity to make comments. District One Supervisor, Bryan Hamlet, presented us with an unexpected surprise when he informed us the Board members had agreed to ask the County Attorney to draft a letter to Green Ridge stating that we (the Board) think there is a possibility of a breech to the Host Agreement and request their written response. The breech is related to the change in the proposed entrance to the landfill by Green Ridge without prior written notification to the County requesting their input. Here is the portion of the Board meeting audio where Supervisor Hamlet speaks about the proposed letter.
Let Your Voice be Heard – It is working!!
Thanks to all who are active in making statements on What’s Happening in Cumberland – your voice is being heard. Keep up the flow of information and participation. We very much appreciate your continued support – without it things could be looking a lot different for this project. Cumberland County could be infested with rodents and nasty birds which are not good for our health and well being.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT – don’t give up but get active!
Responses to the Green Ridge Meeting Updates
The following comments were received from supporters concerning the August 6th post. Please keep your comments coming by sending them to: info@cclava.com.
“Good morning. I think it should be emphasized the 104 acres & 75 trucks are for the INITIAL phase of the landfill. Clearly there will be expansion if they come. Thx. - SB”
“I have heard that if the landfill comes to Cumberland, the revenue generated is on the lowest end of the pay scale being $1.44 per ton of trash that enters the facility. Amelia county gets over $4.00 per ton of solid waste at their landfill. The county should not accept the lowest payout per ton. They should demand the highest payout since the size has been significantly reduced to include the inbound truck traffic. I am not saying I’m for the project, but if it does come since allegedly $20 million has been invested, then the county needs to renegotiate the payment terms.
Additionally, I’d make them demonstrate on an expense ledger where exactly they’re getting the $20 million investment from because I bet that’s fictitious likely to be made up in lawyer fees on their behalf that they’ve been using which is not part of revenue coming into the county as an potential investment. Lastly, if this landfill project does come to our county, then they can write a check for some new public safety equipment because those will be the first responders if something goes bad there like a hazardous material incident or complex EMS call; been there done that in my past job in another county. Green Ridge is laughing in our face if they’re able to pay the lowest dollar amount per tonnage of trash and not being forced to compensate the county citizens for the disaster they will pose upon us all.
Respectfully, DH”
If you have any thoughts or feelings you would like to express on this situation - please don’t hesitate to reach out to info@cclava.com and share your voice. The fight isn’t over!