Our Journey
The residents of Cumberland County and the public found out about the proposed Green Ridge Landfill in June 2018. Limited information was made available to the residents of Cumberland County as well as others. This limited the input from the citizens to the local governing body, the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors.
The legal document known as the Host Agreement was signed on August 2, 2018, by the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors with a 3 to 2 vote and representatives of Green Ridge. The Host Agreement was amended in July 2019 and included a clause effectively prohibiting local government from speaking against the landfill. The amendment also included a statement that trash from New York and New Jersey would not be accepted but it did not address how it would be monitored. The amended Host Agreement with attachments is still the source document for the proposed landfill and is signed by two parties – Cumberland County and Green Ridge.
Amended and Restated Host Agreement
CCLA has several major concerns with the proposed Green Ridge Landfill. These concerns as enumerated to local, state and federal government officials include:
Environmental Justice
No Need for the Landfill
Site Suitability
Private Well Water Safety
Destruction of Wetlands
Travel on Major Highway – 2 lane road
Seismic Zone
Potential Contamination of ground and surface water
Historical Site
CCLA does not sit idle and do nothing. This is evident by the fact that we are now in our 6th year of existence and the landfill is still a Green Ridge dream. We are very active in opposing the proposed mega landfill to include the following:
Hiring a well-qualified attorney
Hiring a geologist to complete an in-depth study of the potential effects on ground water.
Submitted statements to the Army Corps of Engineers during public comment period in 2020 and 2022.
Met with the Army Corps of Engineers staff.
FOIA’d and reviewed the EPA comments to Army Corp 2022.
Met with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on several occasions.
Met with the DEQ Director on two occasions.
Submitted letters to DEQ on site suitability of proposed landfill.
Promoted and attended an Information meeting hosted by DEQ. In March 2022.
Hold fundraisers and participated in various functions such as Farmer Markets in the local area
Hold monthly Community Town Hall meetings to keep the public informed.
Support state senators and delegates on environmental issues during General Assembly Sessions by urging followers to send e-mails and attend the sessions, if possible
Working with other organizations who support our endeavors such as the Sierra Club, AMMD Pinegrove Project, and others.
Shot a full length podcast describing the fight against the landfill which you can view here - https://youtu.be/sE3AayhLe74?si=FxdIqdFn0whYI7H0
CCLA’s filing of the complaint against Cumberland County Virginia - View Here
We will continue to oppose the proposed landfill in Cumberland County Virginia by all possible means. It is a marathon and not a sprint as evidenced by now entering our 6th year. Our most valuable source of getting the word out is you and word of mouth. We are currently working with a new media group, holding monthly meetings, fundraising, placing banners and yard signs, advertising, working with elected officials, meeting with various organizations and government agencies and making phone calls.
CCLA greatly appreciates your support in this important endeavor to protect our environment by STOPPING the proposed Green Ridge and affiliates landfill taking up residence in Cumberland County. It is harmful to the environment and there is no need for it! We do need your assistance with both time and financial support. CCLA depends solely on donations from people like you who care about saving our environment to meet the costs of legal fees, advertising, building rent, media sources, etc. Any help you can give us is greatly appreciated.