Application Status
The Host Agreement was signed by the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors and Green Ridge on August 2, 2018, and amended in July 2019. It was then up to Green Ridge and affiliates to submit the necessary paperwork to DEQ and other state and federal agencies to obtain their approval using the signed Host Agreement as the source document.
The latest submission to the DEQ by Green Ridge and affiliates is dated August 2023. They were posted on the DEQ website, https://www.deq.virginia.gov/topics-of-interest/green-ridge-landfill, in November 2023. One of the key documents is the issuance of the DEQ letter providing Green Ridge the go ahead to start work on Part B of the application which relates to the landfill design. See the letter below.
CCLA sent a letter to DEQ expressing our many concerns with the above referenced document and received a response from DEQ Director Rolband in January 2024. See the letters below.
Brief Updated Concerns
Response Letter from Director Rolband
There are several changes in the revised documents submitted by Green Ridge and affiliates to DEQ to include:
The proposed entrance to the site is Pinegrove Road off route 60 instead of the proposed separate entrance as addressed in the Host Agreement.
The term, “during the initial phase” is used quite often.
The size of the cell is reduced to 104 acres.
The proposed landfill site has not been approved.
The coverage area of service is stated as Virginia only.
It is important to note things have changed in the last 5+ years and key information is outdated. The revised Notice of Intent and Part A application contains only updates is areas of concern to Green Ridge and other key information is not updated. There continues to be material differences when the Host Agreement is compared to the information recently submitted by Green Ridge to DEQ in August 2023.
The documents between Green Ridge and DEQ are available at https://www.deq.virginia.gov/topics-of-interest/green-ridge-landfill for your review. Please note, DEQ is now tracking the revised documents under a separate heading.