Planning Commission Meeting on December 30th

Green Ridge and affiliates submitted an application for a NEW  conditional use permit (CUP) to the County.  The agenda for the meeting includes CUP 24-01 Green Ridge Recycling and Disposal Facility as an item under Requests to set Public Hearings in the agenda. More information on the CUP and the agenda for the meeting can be obtained at  

CCLA’s goal is for as many of us as possible try to attend the meeting on Monday, December 30th, at 6:30 p.m. at the courthouse.  We need to let the Commission members know we continue to oppose the proposed landfill.   

Help spread the word about the meeting. 

Any questions, please send a comment, send an email, or call 804-308-5748



Results of Planning Commission Meeting


News Flash - New Conditional Use Permit