Recent Updates

Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Environmental Justice - What it Means and Why it Matters!

How many times have we heard people say that are not aware of the proposed landfill and/or they do not fully understand the adverse effects on the environment?  To help educate people on environmental justice and the proposed landfill, CCLA has partnered with AMMD Pine Grove Project to offer an Education Engagement Advocacy Community Forum on October 22, 2023, at the Cumberland County Middle/High School Complex starting at 3 p.m.  Please see the attached for more information on the event.  We are looking for volunteers to help with the food tables, soliciting for food items from vendors, and offering other help as needed. 

I am asking you for 2 things – (1) help distribute the attached flyer, and,  (2) plan to attend the event and if possible offer to help out.

CCLA and AMMD Pine Grove Project are offering this event at no cost to you.  The proposed landfill IS NOT A DONE DEAL!


Thank each of you for your continued support.

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Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Board of Supervisors Candidate Forum Recap

All seven (7) candidates running for positions on the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors positions were invited to attend this Community Event hosted by CCLA.  Bryan Hamlet and Dolph Davis, District 1 candidates and Ron Tavernier, District 2 candidate were the only ones present.  Two of the other 4 stated they had other commitments and the last 2 never responded to the invitation. 

A list of questions was prepared in advance and provided to all the candidates.  The forum was moderated by Tim Cywinski of the Sierra Club.  Those candidates present responded to questions concerning their plans for Cumberland County; what they see as the biggest challenge for the county; short and long-term plans to generate income streams and growth for the county; as well as many more subjects.  Constituents were able to ask questions of the candidates and also meet with the candidates following the forum. 

An audio of most of the forum is available, if requested.  Please email CCLA at  



CCLA’s next regular Community Townhall meeting is scheduled for November 12, 2023, at the Cumberland County Community Center at 3 p.m.  Guest speaker is not confirmed at this point.  Save the date.

THANK YOU for your continued support – it is greatly appreciated.  Without you, things could be looking in Cumberland County at this point and Green Ridge and affiliates destroying our environment and peaceful, rural way of life.  

DO YOU LIKE OUR NEW WEBSITE?  If so, please make a donation to help us defray the costs of media, advertising, building rent for meetings, and attorney fees.  We depend on donations for meeting these expenses and work hard at keeping them to a minimum.  Trying to get the best bang for every buck.  Just tap on DONATE on the website. 

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Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Special Event Reminder! Candidate Forum 10/8

Cumberland County Board of
Supervisors Candidates

OCTOBER 8, 2023 at 3 P.M.
Cumberland County Community Center

CCLA is hosting a Community Event instead of our regular meeting for the month

of October. We know it is important for residents to know the candidates running

for positions on the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors. The forum will be

moderated by the Sierra Club. The questions are general in nature such as why

you decided to campaign for a position on the Board of Supervisors. Each

candidate present will be given the opportunity to respond.

It is expected to have a question-and-answer period with questions coming from

the audience, time permitting. Again, each candidate will have the opportunity to

respond. The final step of the forum is for each candidate to present a closing


It is not too late to submit your questions to Please remember to

keep them general in nature. Please plan to attend this important event!! Invite

your neighbors and friends to join you. See the attached flyer for more information.

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Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Candidate Forum 10/8 - Special Community Event

Join us for a special community event hosted by CCLA where we will get to hear from Cumberland County Board of Supervisors candidates.

Join us on October 8th at 3pm for a special event hosted by CCLA. We have the candidates for the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors stopping by for a debate style round of questions and answers, and you can even submit your own questions to be asked at the forum.

If you have any burning questions that you would like to get answers to, please submit your questions to:

More details on the flyer below:

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Weekly Updates Tim Morrisette Weekly Updates Tim Morrisette

Weekly Update 9.18.23

CCLA just finished a busy but successful weekend.  On Saturday, September 9th, we participated in the Patriot’s Day celebration in Cumberland County.  

Several visitors stopped by our booth and some good contacts were made.  Unfortunately, due to weather, the event closed down early – just before the storm came through. 

Summary of September 2023 CCLA Meeting

Candidates running for the elected offices of Commonwelth Attorney, Treasurer, Clerk of Circuit Court, Commissioner of Revenue and Sheriff were invited to speak at this meeting.  Sheriff Hodges was the only available to attend and speak.  Sheriff Hodges spoke on the recent recognition of the Sheriff department in the Farmville Herald and other media – this included the low crime rate in Cumberland County.  He also about recent grant funds received and how the dollars was spent.  Application has also been made for additional grant funds which he should receive word back on in the near future.  

Sheriff Hodges answered many questions from those present concerning various concerns in the County.  Those present where very impressed when Sheriff Hodges stated he was the employee of the taxpayers.  This is so often forgotten by government officials.

Information on October 2023 CCLA Meeting

October 8, 2023, is the date for the meeting.  CCLA is hosting a Candidate Forum inviting all the candidates running for Board of Supervisor positions to participate.  CCLA is coordinating the format for the forum with a representative from the Sierra Club.  

Please see the attached flyer for a list of candidates seeking a position on the Board of Supervisors.

If you live in Cumberland County and are not registered to vote, you can get visit the Registrar’s website at and get the information needed to register.  The Registrar’s web page also includes a map of the 5 districts. 

Over the coming weeks we will be providing more information on this important meeting.  In the meantime, if you have topics and/or questions you would like addressed please send them to   


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Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Weekly Update 9.4.23

Election time is upon us for 2023.  Over the next two months will be inviting those running for State and Local offices as guest speakers at our September and October meetings.  In addition to the local candidates, we are trying to determine if the candidates for State Senator and State Delegate are willing to come speak to our group.  We will let he know if either of them agree to come to our meeting. 


We still have some tee shirts for sale.  Therefore, we are going to offer them at a large discount -- $7.50 for one of 2 for $10 – this price is good for all sizes.

 Thank you for your continued support.  It is greatly appreciated.

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Weekly Updates Tim Morrisette Weekly Updates Tim Morrisette

Weekly Update 7-03-23


Sunday, July 9, 2023

CCLA Community Townhall Meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. at the Cumberland County Community Center, 71 Community Center Drive, Cumberland, VA 23040 (Cafeteria at Luther P Jackson School).  Topics for this meeting include a discussion of the correspondence between Green Ridge and affiliates and DEQ, updates to the website, and other important issues.  See flyer below

Food for Thought

The proposed Green Ridge & affiliates landfill in Cumberland County is not good for our environment or for the welfare of the people — no matter what Green Ridge & affiliates propose as the size.  Whether it is 1200 acres or 104 acres, the potential damage is the same. 

Green Ridge & affiliates has made so many changes to their proposal; it is no longer anywhere close to original documents signed and submitted in 2018.  Cumberland County continues to be a viable entity without income from the landfill.  There is growth in the county and people continue to move here from other areas.  There are new homes in the immediate area of the proposed landfill that MUST be taken into consideration when looking at the then and now.  These things are all happening without income from Green Ridge & affiliates — just heartache and uncertainty.  Things haven’t stood still over the last 5 plus years.  This is evidence the proposed landfill is NOT needed!!

Expressions of Appreciation

Each of you continue to play an important role in this battle to protect our environment by opposing this proposed landfill.  As mentioned many times before — this is a marathon and we must keep going forward.  Thank you!!

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Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Weekly Update 6-04-23


Sunday, June 11, 2023, is the date for CCLA’s Community Townhall meeting.  We are meeting at 3 p.m. at the Cumberland Community Center, 71 Community Center Drive, Cumberland, Virginia (the Luther P Jackson School).  Please plan to attend, if possible.  There is information to share with the public concerning the proposed DUMP in Cumberland County. 

Watch for Media Changes in the Coming Weeks

CCLA entered a contract with a media company to help us improve our position on social media.  These changes include the website, facebook and other media sources.  We will keep you informed as things progress.  We are looking forward to offering a more friendly user website and other media sources.  We are open to recommendations.  You can send us your input by sending an e-mail to 


No post is complete until there is a “Thank You”.  If it weren’t for your continued support, we would not be where we are today and the proposed DUMP but be a reality.  We cannot stop now but keep on with the fight.  We cannot take the chance of having our water contaminated for a few $$$$ for a corporation.

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Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Weekly Update 5/27/23

Happy Memorial Day — have an enjoyable and safe holiday.  Take a minute and reflect on the reason for the holiday.  

Signatures Requested

Ron Tavernier, Supervisor for Cumberland County District 2, is asking for your support for his re-election to the Board this year.  If you live in District 2, and have not signed his petition for re-election, please e-mail and we will get the message to him. 

New Documents On DEQ Website 

Green Ridge and affiliates submitted eight (8) draft documents to DEQ earlier this month.  They can be viewed at 

It is unknown why DEQ accepts these draft documents.  It is known, we need to stay prepared.  Some of the changes Green Ridge and affiliates propose are:

  • The entry to the landfill site be off of Pine Grove road

  • Reduction in the tonnage of waste per day

  • Waste disposal unit reduction to 104 acres.

  • No out of state trash – 

There are others. We MUST NOT allow them to continue this project that so adversely affects our environment and way of life.  Once Green Ridge and affiliates are in, they will expand and continue the destruction of our natural resources.  Your continued support of opposing this proposed mega landfill is much needed and greatly appreciated.  The battle is just beginning. 


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Tim Morrisette Tim Morrisette

Weekly Update 5/12/23


Computer problems and spring got in the way – grass to cut, gardens to plant and the excuses go on.  We will try much harder to get back to the normal weekly updates.  Again, we are sorry. 


We are not meeting this Sunday, May 14, 2023, in order for us all to enjoy the day with family.  Wishing all mothers the very best for this day and many more to come.


is scheduled for Sunday, May 21, 2023, at 3 p.m. at the Community Center, 71 Community Center Drive, Cumberland, VA (Luther P Jackson School).  Our guest speaker this month is Gustavo Angeles, from the Sierra Club.  He has a lot of in-site to not only our endeavor to protect the environment, but what other organizations across the state are also facing.  We look forward to hearing from him.

Updates will also be provided concerning the proposed mega landfill by Green Ridge and affiliates.  


No-Dump T-Shirts — $10 each or 2 for $15

Congratulations to AMMD

CCLA takes this opportunity to congratulate AMMD on the dedication of the historical marker at Pine Grove School. 

This achievement is do to the many hours of heartfelt desire to preserve the history of Pine Grove School and your passion to see its fruition has been a blessing to all who observe. 

You overcame many obstacles to achieve this goal.  Yet through your hard work you have forever preserved the significance of Pine Grove.

CCLA is so appreciative of your impact on our community and environment.  We look forward to joining you in any way as you continue this journey.



The county is currently conducting a survey on their Comprehensive Plan.  This is your opportunity to be heard by completing the survey.  It takes only a few minutes to complete and is available at this website:

Thank each of you for your continued support.  

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