Recent Updates
Weekly Update 9.18.23
CCLA just finished a busy but successful weekend. On Saturday, September 9th, we participated in the Patriot’s Day celebration in Cumberland County.
Several visitors stopped by our booth and some good contacts were made. Unfortunately, due to weather, the event closed down early – just before the storm came through.
Summary of September 2023 CCLA Meeting
Candidates running for the elected offices of Commonwelth Attorney, Treasurer, Clerk of Circuit Court, Commissioner of Revenue and Sheriff were invited to speak at this meeting. Sheriff Hodges was the only available to attend and speak. Sheriff Hodges spoke on the recent recognition of the Sheriff department in the Farmville Herald and other media – this included the low crime rate in Cumberland County. He also about recent grant funds received and how the dollars was spent. Application has also been made for additional grant funds which he should receive word back on in the near future.
Sheriff Hodges answered many questions from those present concerning various concerns in the County. Those present where very impressed when Sheriff Hodges stated he was the employee of the taxpayers. This is so often forgotten by government officials.
Information on October 2023 CCLA Meeting
October 8, 2023, is the date for the meeting. CCLA is hosting a Candidate Forum inviting all the candidates running for Board of Supervisor positions to participate. CCLA is coordinating the format for the forum with a representative from the Sierra Club.
Please see the attached flyer for a list of candidates seeking a position on the Board of Supervisors.
If you live in Cumberland County and are not registered to vote, you can get visit the Registrar’s website at https://cumberlandcounty.virginia.gov/224/Registrar and get the information needed to register. The Registrar’s web page also includes a map of the 5 districts.
Over the coming weeks we will be providing more information on this important meeting. In the meantime, if you have topics and/or questions you would like addressed please send them to info@cclava.com.
Weekly Update 7-03-23
Sunday, July 9, 2023
CCLA Community Townhall Meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. at the Cumberland County Community Center, 71 Community Center Drive, Cumberland, VA 23040 (Cafeteria at Luther P Jackson School). Topics for this meeting include a discussion of the correspondence between Green Ridge and affiliates and DEQ, updates to the website, and other important issues. See flyer below
Food for Thought
The proposed Green Ridge & affiliates landfill in Cumberland County is not good for our environment or for the welfare of the people — no matter what Green Ridge & affiliates propose as the size. Whether it is 1200 acres or 104 acres, the potential damage is the same.
Green Ridge & affiliates has made so many changes to their proposal; it is no longer anywhere close to original documents signed and submitted in 2018. Cumberland County continues to be a viable entity without income from the landfill. There is growth in the county and people continue to move here from other areas. There are new homes in the immediate area of the proposed landfill that MUST be taken into consideration when looking at the then and now. These things are all happening without income from Green Ridge & affiliates — just heartache and uncertainty. Things haven’t stood still over the last 5 plus years. This is evidence the proposed landfill is NOT needed!!
Expressions of Appreciation
Each of you continue to play an important role in this battle to protect our environment by opposing this proposed landfill. As mentioned many times before — this is a marathon and we must keep going forward. Thank you!!