October was a busy month for CCLA and community events. We were pleased to host and/or participate in the following events during the month:
October 8, 2023 -- Candidate Forum -- All seven (7) candidates running for positions on the Cumberland County Board of Supervisors positions were invited to attend this Community Event. A big “THANK YOU” to the following candidates, Bryan Hamlet and Dolph Davis, District 1 candidates and Ron Tavernier, District 2. Two of the other 4 stated they had other commitments and the last 2 never responded to the invitation. The candidates presented their platforms and answered questions from those present. A very informative meeting and a great opportunity for residents to meet the candidates.
October 22, 2023 – Education – Engagement – Advocacy Forum – This was a joint meeting with AMMD Pine Grove Project. The goal was to provide members of the public with information concerning concerns with the proposed landfills presented by various individuals and groups. The information included discussion on environmental justice, water, legal, and the permitting process. The session closed with a presentation by the AMMD Youth Council on Re-Thinking Waste.
CCLA’s booth at the Cumberland County Trunk or Treat!
October 27, 2023 – Trunk & Treat – CCLA shared a spot with American Legion Post 269 at the 3rd annual Trunk & Treat hosted by Cumberland County. It is estimated that approximately 1600 attended this affair in the space of 2 hours. Fun was had by all and there was plenty of candy for everyone.
NEXT MEETING – November 12, 2023 at 3 p.m.
CCLA’s next regular Community Townhall meeting is scheduled for November 12, 2023, at the Cumberland County Community Center, 71 Community Center Drive, Cumberland, VA at 3 p.m. Since the last couple of meetings was devoted to upcoming elections and meeting the candidates, this meeting we will re-group and discuss the proposed landfill, plans for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024. All are welcome to attend.
This meeting is just 5 days after Election Day 2023 on November 7th. If you have not already done so, please go out and vote. Let your voice be heard!
THANK YOU -- Without your support in fighting against the proposed landfill, things could be looking a lot different in Cumberland County at this point. We MUST continue our efforts to STOP Green Ridge and affiliates from destroying our environment and peaceful, rural way of life. Again, it cannot be said often enough – thank each of you for your continued support – it is greatly appreciated and wisely used.
DO YOU LIKE OUR NEW WEBSITE? We are starting to see an upturn in donations recently through the vehicles listed on our website. If you like our revised website, please make a donation to help us defray the costs of media, advertising, building rent for meetings, and attorney fees. We depend on donations for paying these expenses and work hard at keeping them to a minimum. Trying to get the best bang for every buck. Just tap on DONATE on the website or click here.